Tuesday 20 April 2010


Winds of Change...? Off with the old on with ...? New Opportunities ...?

Sometimes there just comes a time when it 'is time for a change'. Then one starts looking around. Why change? What caused this desire to find something else. Failed efforts? Disenchantment? Boredom? Change of interest, a changing world? Why must there be a reason for change? We live in a 'changing world' - across the board.

From politics to finances, to nature, to personal needs .... take your pick.

I was introduced to a product. Found it interesting - challenging at the same time. I read all about it - it was going to require change. Change in thinking, change in previously accepted custom. It has been around for ages and yet it is new, now. It has changed, became 'better', due to renewed and still continuing intense research going back to the 'caravan trails in the desert days' en route to far away places bearing sought after products. Essential Oils ....

Used for fragrance, included in food and drinks, medicinal purposes and many more over centuries, these oils were derived from bark, seeds, stems, roots, leaves,and blooms and other parts of plants. Harvested and extracted, these oils was required for the manufacturing of products such as perfume, medicinal substances, beauty products amongst others, and is synthetic in nature.

Essential Oils as mentioned above have been researched intensely over the years; specifically recently by a medical qualified ground breaker who believed, together with his peers, that these oils in its purest form only can do much more for mankind.

Dr David Hill and his team believed that the compounds found in the natural plants as taken from the earth, needs no improvement. Care, scientific knowledge, commitment and integrity will produce 100% pure and natural essential oils.

Harvested, extracted and distilled with utmost care, the oils enabled Dr Hill and his team to introduce a complete range of 100% safe, effective and beneficial essential oils.

'doTERRA Essential Oils' - extremely therapeutic with a powerful cleansing effect. It is a natural, aromatic compound and passes through the skin to strengthen and let good well being into the body.

doTERRA - Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils - because it does not contain any additives or synthetic products. It is necessary to be 'educated' in using doTERRA Essential Oils in order to obtain maximum benefit from the excellent properties found in one drop of the oil.

Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint are just 3 of the list of Essential Oils you'll find during your journey into the enchanting and beneficial world of doTERRA Essential Oils.

'doTERRA' - Latin for 'Gift of the Earth. Welcome

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