Sunday, 30 January 2011



"What is planned?

Our goal is to “Open the Box”, inviting merchants to accept PayBox. This will allow

our users to buy from any merchant who has registered to accept PayBox payments.

In time, we plan to offer debit cards linked to user accounts and in-exchange and

out-exchange to enable deposits and withdrawals using nearly any currency in the world.

What is the next step?

In order to form the essential working relationships with large merchants and payment

networks, we need a bigger user base. What does that mean? More users! We must grow

our user base to 2-5 million users (our Stage 2 growth goal) before we can really begin

work to “Open the Box”.

To help us reach these growth goals, we are preparing to launch an affiliate program.

We are in the process of building a newly-trained affiliate “army” who will lead the way

when our new affiliate program launches. If you would like to learn a new skill and profit

from the launch of PayBox, you are invited to participate. But, remember,

this isn’t for everyone—it’s completely optional."

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