Friday, 18 November 2011
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Sunday, 21 August 2011
The Best Kept SECRET Revealed!
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Saturday, 23 July 2011
Tue, Jul 19 – Earning With Ads
We have been working on new features that will allow you to use VirtaPay to earn a steady stream of regular money (US$, €, £, ¥, etc.) to your existing bank account. The first of those features to go live will be our Ad Sharing Program.
As you may have noticed, there are now ads on the VirtaPay website. Clicking the green link below any of the ads will take you to this blog post—for now. Once the Ad Sharing Program goes live, both the ads and the green link could earn you money.
Just Getting Started
VirtaPay is just getting started. We continue to refine our service, add new features and develop new ways to spend your VirtaPay balance. We expect that within the next year, our service could grow to over 100 times the number of users we currently have. This is great news for you—our EarlyBird users. This coming growth will give you tremendous potential to profit in the near future.
How will the Ad Sharing Program work?
In a matter of weeks the Ad Sharing Program will launch. If you join, your referrals will see your own affiliate ads 50% of the time. But it won’t just be your referrals, your ad viewers could grow into the thousands even if you only have a handful of referrals.
We will reveal more details about the Ad Sharing Program as we get closer to launching it. In addition, we may limit the number of users who can participate in the Ad Sharing Program. So please be ready to act quickly when it goes live.
There are many legitimate ways to earn regular money with VirtaPay. We are developing tutorials, the Ad Sharing Program and other new programs to help our EarlyBird users cash in on VirtaPay as we continue to grow.
Thanks for participating as we work to take VirtaPay to the next level!
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Tue, Jul 12 – More New Features | VirtaPay Blog
Today we released more new features on the VirtaPay website. This is good news for both buyers and sellers.
Below we give an explanation of what has changed and what to expect.
For Buyers…
The changes are great news for buyers. You can now buy any item that has less than 50 ratings (Starter Items only) for just 1 cent. This means that you don’t have to worry about buying a higher priced item with very little feedback which may turn out to be a bad deal.
There is a catch however. In order to buy any Starter Item for just 1 cent, you must have no unrated items in your purchase history. So, if you always rate the items you buy, you can always buy Starter Items for just 1 cent… with no real risk.
For Sellers…
New Item Limit
The item limit for sellers has been raised to 5 items.
1-Cent Starter Items
The changes to the item approval system mentioned above are bad news for sellers who list low-quality items. It will allow buyers to see and rate what you offer and what you deliver without risk… for the first 50 ratings.
However, for sellers who offer high-quality items, the new system should help your items get into the Established Items category much more quickly. Buyers will now be more likely to buy your Starter Item and then rate it highly (if it’s good), because now there’s almost no risk for the buyer.
Sure, you won’t earn much profit until your items reach 50 ratings, but, once your item has 50 or more ratings, the price will automatically change to the price you originally set for the item and will stay there.
Wed, Jul 6 – New Features are Live | VirtaPay Blog
As mentioned yesterday, the new Facebook integration features have gone live on the website.
Today’s blog post covers the major changes, what they mean for our users and how they benefit you.
What’s changed on the website?
This update to the website brought several big changes and a lot of minor changes. We’ll just cover
the big ones here…
- Login System — The first thing most users will notice is the login system now requires Facebook. If you don’t already have a Facebook account, just go to their website and get one (it’s free), then you can log in to VirtaPay.
- $100 Bonus — A $100 bonus will be added to your account when you link your Facebook account. This bonus will also be automatically added to the accounts of all new users.
- $25 Referral Bonus — You will now earn a $25 bonus to your account for each new user you refer using your personal referral link. To get this link, just log in and look at the bottom of the “My Account” page.
- Send to Facebook Friends — You can now send VirtaPay payments to your Facebook friends… even if they don’t already have a VirtaPay account. In addition, if they join VirtaPay to claim your payment, you’ll earn the $25 referral bonus to your account.
- Wall Post to Facebook — At the bottom of the “My Account” page (when you first log in) there is now an option to post to your Facebook wall. This will post your personal referral link to your wall. You can say whatever you want in the wall post, but the referral link is already pre-loaded for you.
- For Buyers — Payment for items now relies on your Facebook login. No more entering a username & password every time you want to purchase an item.
- For Sellers — As you may have noticed, the ability to add new items has been re-activated. This allows us to test the new Facebook integration features. However, it’s temporary. Any items added will probably be removed when the next feature set is released.
More Features Coming Soon
Our programmers are now working on Stage 2 of the Digital Delivery project. The new features being developed include many enhancements to the existing buying/selling process. Also included will be exciting new ways to earn a steady stream of real money to your existing bank account as a user of VirtaPay.
When the next feature set is released, we expect the quality of digital items offered by our sellers will become much better than it is today. There will be competition among sellers to sell the best quality digital items. The better quality items they offer, the more opportunity they will have to earn real money.
Thanks for participating as we work to take VirtaPay to the next level!
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Wed, Jun 29 – Progress Update | VirtaPay Blog
In the next 4 to 6 weeks we have even more exciting new features planned to go live.
The upcoming Stage 2 launch of the Digital Delivery project is designed to encourage
VirtaPay Sellers to post valuable digital products you can buy with your VirtaPay balance.
In addition, we are adding features that will help you start earning regular money to your
existing bank account.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Stage 1 of the Digital Delivery (DD) project has been live for a few weeks now. In that time, we have decided to integrate Facebook more deeply than we originally planned. It is very important that all VirtaPay users read this post to understand what Facebook integration features are in the works and why. Please read on…
Why Facebook integration?
From the time we gave our users the ability to sell items, certain people or organizations have been flooding the item listings with inappropriate items. This is an abuse of our service and resources. It also pushes out our valued users who are trying to buy and sell legitimate items.
The item spammers have disrupted our service to the point where many of our valued users don’t even bother to look at the items on the Buy page any longer. They are tired of seeing the spam listings. The spammers have been creating multiple accounts to post the same unwanted, inappropriate items over and over.
Although we have come up with many ways to slow the flood of inappropriate items, and have continuously deleted the multiple accounts of the spammers, it hasn’t been effective enough.
Facebook account required…
We will soon require all users to link a Facebook account to their VirtaPay account. Facebook provides identity verification services that will help eliminate the abusive users. We expect that by taking this step the problem of item spammers and multiple accounts will become far more manageable. In addition, it will help free our developers to continue working on new features and improving our service, rather than constantly struggling to find ways to stop abusive users.
We may eventually remove the requirement for all VirtaPay users to link a Facebook account. But, during our development stages,
while we are still developing our service, it will soon be a requirement for all users.
What features are coming?
Stage 2 of the DD project is in the works. The Facebook integration is part of Stage 2.
- You will soon be able to log into your VirtaPay account using Facebook.
- You will be able to send payments by pulling up your Facebook friends instead having to know the recipient’s VirtaPay username.
- Your Facebook friends will be able to easily send you a VirtaPay payment.
Stage 2 will also include new features designed to help you begin earning a steady flow of regular money (US dollars, euros, pesos, etc.) to your existing bank account. These cash flow features will work whether you’re a Buyer, a Seller or both.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Wed, Jun 1 – Stage 1 Update (part 2)
Since the launch of Stage 1 of the Digital Delivery (DD) project, thousands of our EarlyBird users have been helping test the features. This testing has helped us fix problems and prepare a list of items for the next stage. Stage 2 is where things get really exciting.
What’s coming in Stage 2?
Most of the new features coming in Stage 2 are designed to help you begin earning US$ in addition to VP$.
It doesn’t matter whether you want to use your VirtaPay account as a Buyer, a Seller, or both—we are working to give all of our users the tools you need to start a steady flow of “regular money” to your existing bank account using VirtaPay.
Keep up the good work…
Buyers: Please check the website regularly and see if there are any new items worth buying. If you find one, please reward it with a high rating. Please keep in mind that Stage 1 is mainly for testing. We expect the quality of products offered to get much better in Stage 2.
Sellers: Please continue posting items for sale. Remember to focus on quality. Create your own digital product (ebook, photographs, etc). Offer something of real value. The buyers are not interested in products that are nothing more than links to other websites. If you learn to do this now, you will have a head-start on all of the other Sellers when Stage 2 launches. (Note: The maximum price for an item has been lowered to $25 because most of the high priced items listed were prohibited items.)
We don’t have an exact estimate for when Stage 2 will launch, but, we’ll keep you updated as we get closer. Thanks for participating as we work to take VirtaPay to the next level". Unquote
Saturday, 7 May 2011
The Digital Delivery (DD) project is still not quite ready. Although we expected to launch Stage 1 of this
project by the end of last week, or even today at the latest, there have been a few unexpected issues that
have delayed the launch. Our programmers are currently working as quickly as possible to resolve these
last few issues.
We expect to launch Stage 1 of the Digital Delivery project within a few days. We sincerely apologize for
the delay.
Thanks for participating as we work to take VirtaPay to the next level
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
I was off line for a few days - am now back and the show can go on!!!!!!!!
DD Project Update
We are making steady progress on the VirtaPay Digital Delivery project. This blog post is designed to help you know
what to expect as we get closer to launching the new features this project will bring.
The project will launch in two stages…
Stage 1
The first stage will allow a very limited number of sellers to post a handful of digital products for sale. These products
will be available for purchase using your VirtaPay account balance. Users who buy these products will help with testing
the Digital Delivery purchasing system.
This stage is to help us test on a limited scale, before rolling out to possibly thousands of sellers. The problems we find
and fix in this stage will help prepare us for Stage 2.
We estimate the first stage will be ready for testing some time in the next two weeks. The release date could be sooner
or later depending on possible unforeseen issues in development.
Stage 2
The second stage of the Digital Delivery project launch will allow many more VirtaPay users to become sellers. If you have
a product or service that can be digitally-delivered, we may invite you to become a seller in this stage.
We estimate Stage 2 will be ready to launch 2 to 3 weeks after the launch of Stage 1. Again, this is just an estimate, it could
be sooner or later depending on what development issues our programmers encounter.
Buy Now Buttons
Shown below are the “buy buttons” we have designed for use with our new digital delivery system. These buttons will be
used on pages where the seller accepts VirtaPay as a form of payment.
Note: The buttons below are not functional, they’re just for demonstration purposes.
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
We are still awaiting the
Digital Delivery Project!
The programmers expect to have an early version of the Digital Delivery Project ready in a week or two.
If you have a product or service that you would like to sell, please prepare a “sales” page and a “delivery” page.
- The sales page is the page used to promote your product/service.
- The delivery page is the page where buyers get instant digital delivery of the item/service once they have purchased.
Please remember, they are only accepting products/services that can be digitally delivered online.
They will not accept products/services that require physical delivery. Examples of items you could sell include things such as:
- Digital photographs
- E-books
- Educational videos
- Entertainment videos
- Access to a protected website
- Audio Books recorded as MP3s
- Music MP3s
- and anything else that can be downloaded or delivered online.
Important: You must be the legal owner or copyright holder of any product or service you sell through the VirtaPay service.
They'll have more details on this project in the coming days. Thanks for participating as the programmers work to take VirtaPay
to the next level.
Friday, 25 March 2011
"Digital Delivery Project
Our programmers expect to have an early version of the Digital Delivery Project ready in a week or two. If you have a
product or service that you would like to sell, please prepare a “sales” page and a “delivery” page.
- The sales page is the page used to promote your product/service.
- The delivery page is the page where buyers get instant digital delivery of the item/service once they have purchased.
Please remember, we are only accepting products/services that can be digitally delivered online. We will not accept
"products/services that require physical delivery. Examples of items you could sell include things such as:
- Digital photographs
- E-books
- Educational videos
- Entertainment videos
- Access to a protected website
- Audio Books recorded as MP3s
- Music MP3s
- and anything else that can be downloaded or delivered online.
Important: You must be the legal owner or copyright holder of any product or service you sell through the VirtaPay service.
We’ll have more details on this project in the coming days. Thanks for participating as we work to take VirtaPay to the next level."
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Welcome to VirtaPay!
This is the first post to our fresh, new blog.
Your VirtaPay account may not seem very useful right now, but that’s about to change!
We’re working on launching our Digital Delivery project over the coming weeks. Before
long, you will be able to purchase digitally-delivered goods using the balance in your
VirtaPay account.
We’ll post more news as it happens. To stay connected with the latest news about your
VirtaPay account, be sure to “Like” us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter!
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Workplace Solutions Preventing MRSA
Preventing MRSA at work | ||||
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Sunday, 13 March 2011
Welcome to VirtaPay
"Welcome to VirtaPay!This is the first post to our fresh, new blog.
Your VirtaPay account may not seem very useful right now, but that’s about to change!
We’re working on launching our Digital Delivery project over the coming weeks. Before
long, you will be able to purchase digitally-delivered goods using the balance in your
VirtaPay account.
We’ll post more news as it happens. To stay connected with the latest news about yourVirtaPay account, be sure to “Like” us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter!" Unquote.
Monday, 28 February 2011
Update on Projects
The testing on the new servers has gone very well this week. This weekend our programmers
will move ahead with the final steps required to move the user database. The work on the website
this weekend may cause the website and/or payments to be unavailable for periods of time
(possibly many hours at a time). We expect everything to be up and operational by Monday.
As part of our growth and preparations to begin accepting payments for digitally delivered goods, will be rebranding our service. I will post more details on this on Monday.
PayBox is now seriously racing and in Huge Strides. So we waite for today's (28 Feb 11) blog ......Sunday, 20 February 2011
"Our programmers have spent the past 2 days cleaning up the user database, deleting dormant accounts
and preparing the database for the move to the new system. We expect this move to be complete by the
end of the week.
Once the database move is complete we will upgrade our email system (which sends our password reminders).
From there, we’ll begin work on Facebook integration features and the Digital Delivery Project which will allow
our users to begin purchasing digital goods and services from merchants who sign on to the new system.
We’ve got a lot of exciting things coming. I will keep you updated as we continue to progress. Thanks for participating
as we work to add valuable new features to PayBox." Unquote.
Great changes, much more to come. This makes for exciting times - looking forward to the next reveal!
Monday, 7 February 2011
Website Upgrade
Yes, once again, our programming and engineering teams are working to upgrade our website infrastructure.
More about this upgrade…
We are on the third week of this upgrade. The upgrade is designed to increase the capacity of our website, allowing it to handle millions of user transactions per day. The upgrade will be complete before we launch our Digital Delivery Project and our affiliate program. This will allow PayBox to handle the upcoming growth.
Digital Delivery Project
The Digital Delivery Project will allow merchants who sell digitally delivered goods to begin accepting PayBox payments. This will allow you—our EarlyBird users—to begin spending your PayBox balance on digital goods offered by these merchants.
The digital goods offered could include things such as:
- Computer software
- Digital images
- Electronic books
- Information products
- MP3s (including music and audio books)
- Education & Tutorials
- Videos
- Wallpapers
- Web hosting
- Website memberships
- and anything else that can be delivered online
How long until it’s ready?
We plan to have this project ready before the Growth Project affiliate program launches. The Digital Delivery Project still does not have an exact “go live” date. I’ll post updates on this project as more information becomes available.
Growth Project Update
The Growth Project is designed to grow our user base to our Stage 2 growth goal of 2 to 5 million users. This will allow us to begin work to “Open the Box” with the goal of becoming a full-featured payment processor.
In order to properly launch our new affiliate program, we are building an “army” of 10,000 newly-trained Internet marketers. Once our army of marketers is ready and trained the new affiliate program will go live.
We have extended an open invitation to all EarlyBird users who would like to join our affiliate army. If you would like to profit from the launch of PayBox, you are invited to participate. But, remember, this is completely optional—and it isn’t for everyone.
If you would like to profit from the launch of our affiliate program, please explore our current recommendations:
- A top-ranked blogging course
- An in-depth affiliate training course
- A quick, focused affiliate training
- A tool to send a lot of traffic to your links—at no cost
Thanks for helping us take PayBox to the next level—keep up the good work! Unquote. Admin is on the move ....... and still thanking the Early Bird Users for their services everyday!
Thursday, 3 February 2011
"Do you enjoy participating as we develop the PayBox service? Would you like
to see PayBox become a full-featured payment processor? This blog post covers
one of the most important ways you can help—by sharing.
Why Share?
PayBox is still in development and it’s a “closed box” system for now. That means
all transactions stay within our system. In order to “Open the Box”, we need a bigger
user base. That means more users. If you like PayBox, if you’re excited by what you
see, please spread the word."
Sunday, 30 January 2011
"What is planned?
Our goal is to “Open the Box”, inviting merchants to accept PayBox. This will allow
our users to buy from any merchant who has registered to accept PayBox payments.
In time, we plan to offer debit cards linked to user accounts and in-exchange and
out-exchange to enable deposits and withdrawals using nearly any currency in the world.
What is the next step?
In order to form the essential working relationships with large merchants and payment
networks, we need a bigger user base. What does that mean? More users! We must grow
our user base to 2-5 million users (our Stage 2 growth goal) before we can really begin
work to “Open the Box”.
To help us reach these growth goals, we are preparing to launch an affiliate program.
We are in the process of building a newly-trained affiliate “army” who will lead the way
when our new affiliate program launches. If you would like to learn a new skill and profit
from the launch of PayBox, you are invited to participate. But, remember,
this isn’t for everyone—it’s completely optional."
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
PayBox PayBox Admin is giving all Early Bird Users the chance to learn new skills
in network marketing! Join PayBox, complete the training, become an affiliate member
in the PayBox 'Army of 10,000' and earn whilst advertising your affiliate link - ($100.00
per sale) Real Money! Skilled and earning, helping PayBox to bring the next online payment
processor project to fruition!
Saturday, 15 January 2011
My Debit Card Design
Your vote can mean a lot to my campaign.
Your vote can also mean money to you!
Should you join PayBox, you are paid and
to stay active by logging in daily you are
also remunerated ..... simpels!
"Digital Delivery Project.
The next project we have scheduled to go live is the Digital Delivery Project.
This project will allow merchants who sell digitally delivered goods to begin
accepting PayBox payments.
What does this mean for you, our EarlyBird users?
Once our Digital Delivery Project goes live, it will open our developing payment
service to merchants who sell digital goods. This will allow you to begin spending
your PayBox balance on digital goods offered by these merchants.
The digital goods offered could include things such as:
- Computer software
- Digital images
- Electronic books
- Information products
- MP3s (including music and audio books)
- Tutorials
- Videos
- Wallpapers
- Web hosting
- Website memberships
- and anything else that can be delivered online" Unquote"
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
"Today a new survey will be posted within the log-in area of the website.
This new survey asks our EarlyBird users about their knowledge of Internet
marketing and other related questions.
The goal of this survey is to help us find the best way to reach our Stage 2
growth goals and begin to “Open the Box”. " Unquote.
This is great. Now that PayBox Admin can harness the skill of Users that are
well skilled in internet marketing, the growth should really take off! Especially
if well skilled internet marketers see that other gurus are also involved they
would join too! People must start taking this development serious - it has been
online for so long and everything pans out daily - according to there scheduled
views - it must be for real!
Friday, 7 January 2011
First: Rescheduling of Projects
As mentioned in yesterday’s blog post, PayBox is entering a new phase of our development.
As a result, we have have decided to rearrange the schedule for upcoming projects in a way
that will flow more smoothly.
Here is how the schedule has changed: The Digital Delivery Project will now be developed
and launched before the Growth Project rather than after it.
The reason for the change is this—we feel that by launching the Digital Delivery Project first,
it will build much more value into the PayBox service. It will allow PayBox users to begin
buying digital goods from merchants who sign on. From there, it will be much easier for our
users to spread the word and promote PayBox to their friends, on blogs, through Facebook, etc.
Second: New Transaction History Viewer
Earlier this week, we quietly launched a new version of the transaction history viewer.
If you haven’t already seen it, next time you log in, click “History” in the top menu links.
The old history page only allowed viewing of 50 transactions per page and there was no
way to jump to a certain time-frame. The new history viewer allows you view your transaction
history by selecting a month and year. Also, the transaction details are now built right into the
history page, rather than loading in a separate page.
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
EarlyBird Users ...
"Do you enjoy participating as we develop the PayBox service? Are you looking for ways to help us
take our service to the next level? This blog post covers one of the most important ways you can
help—by sharing PayBox.
Why Share?
PayBox is still in development and it’s a “closed box” system for now. That means all transactions
stay within our system. In order to “Open the Box”, we need a bigger user base. That means more
users. If you can see the seeds of a great new service in PayBox, if you’re excited by what you see,
please spread the word.
How to Share
There are countless ways you can share PayBox. If you have a blog, you could blog about it. If you
use Facebook, you could share it there. You could also email personal one-to-one invitations to people
you know—people who you think may share your excitement for PayBox.
Take Action!
Please don’t wait, if you have an appropriate way to share PayBox, or if you know people who may be
interested, please spread the word or send an invitation today.
Thanks for participating as we work to take PayBox to the next level." Unquote.