Thursday, 9 December 2010



"The Merchant Survey has been live a few days now and the response has been great!

The survey is working properly, collecting the votes of our users to help us know where

to focus our efforts when we begin working to “Open the Box”.

A reminder about how to use the Merchant Survey: Please don’t vote for a place name,

such as a city or country. We are looking for votes on actual merchants, stores,

vendors—specific locations—where you would like to be able to spend your PayBox balance

when we begin opening our services to select merchants for testing.

We have more projects in the works, including a new way to help PayBox grow. This project

will include direct cash payments outside your PayBox balance. This project is expected to

be ready by mid- to late-January.

Please continue to complete the surveys daily and as applicable. Thanks for participating as

we work to take PayBox to the next level!" Unquote

Seems to be making some progress. It is fun voting for any merchant in any country in the

world - makes one think ....

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