Thank You!
A lot of our EarlyBird users have been completing the surveys frequently (including the Daily Survey and debit card survey). If you’re one of the people who has been completing surveys, we just wanted to say…
We have some great new features coming up, so keep up the good work. Each time you complete a survey, each time you vote on a debit card, you’re helping us to build a better PayBox. Thanks!
Thank You!
The feedback we’re getting is helping to build a better service. As more people contribute to the surveys, we get more and more ideas for new features, we find the most popular debit card designs, we learn what you want in a payment service.We have some great new features coming up, so keep up the good work. Each time you complete a survey, each time you vote on a debit card, you’re helping us to build a better PayBox. Thanks!
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