Monday, 29 November 2010


PayBox - Continuous:

PayBox is quickly moving into the mid-stages of our development. As one of our Early Bird users,

you get rewards for contributing as we design and launch our new payment service. Our system

is still a “closed box” for now. You can send payments between PayBox accounts, but you can’t

withdraw or spend outside of PayBox — yet.

In order to “Open the Box” and become a full-featured payment processor, we still have some

growing and development to do. As more users join, we will have more people testing our service

and more weight with merchants and existing payment networks.

All of our growth comes directly from our users who spread the word about PayBox. The more

quickly we grow, the sooner we can begin working to “Open the Box”. If you know anyone who

would be interested in joining PayBox, please be sure to spread the word!

Friday, 26 November 2010



Update on New Project

As I mentioned a few days ago our developers are working on a new project.

For now we’re calling it the “Merchant Interest Program”, the name may

change when we launch it. The developers are making good progress on it.

This new project is a type of survey that will allow our EarlyBird users to vote

on where they would most like to spend their PayBox account balance.

The results of this survey will help us to determine where to focus our efforts

when we begin to “Open the Box” to selected merchants in our first trials.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010



Thank You!

A lot of our EarlyBird users have been completing the surveys frequently (including the Daily Survey and debit card survey). If you’re one of the people who has been completing surveys, we just wanted to say…

                                      Thank You!

The feedback we’re getting is helping to build a better service. As more people contribute to the surveys, we get more and more ideas for new features, we find the most popular debit card designs, we learn what you want in a payment service.
We have some great new features coming up, so keep up the good work. Each time you complete a survey, each time you vote on a debit card, you’re helping us to build a better PayBox. Thanks!

Sunday, 21 November 2010



The PayBox "$1000 Amazon Voucher" incentive is
still very much alive!

Visit the site and scroll down to where 'Amazon Voucher'
is mentioned and read all about it. Easy to participate and
there is still time ......

Saturday, 20 November 2010


PayBox :

This progress report is based on the most recent activity trends. Things are looking much better! If activity continues at this level, we estimate that we could reach our Stage 2 growth goals as soon as March 15.

What’s Working…

Our users have been completing the Daily Survey and other surveys — this helps us determine which projects to work on and which features to add to PayBox next.

Our users have also started voting in the new Debit Card Survey — this helps us to have the very best debit card designs, as selected by user popular vote.

We are getting a healthy amount of new users referred each day. Please keep this up! We still need many more new users to help us reach our growth goals and take PayBox to the next level.

What’s Next…

We are working on several new projects which were chosen based on survey feedback from you — our users. We are working on preparing PayBox to become a full-featured payment processor. We’re working to speed up the growth of PayBox in order to reach our Stage 2 growth goal and then “Open the Box”.

Thanks for your help as we work to make PayBox better." Unquote.

Us Early Bird Users are on a good wicket! Best keep it up because the rewards are great!

19 November 2010.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010


PayBox : Time Marches On.

From the PayBox blog:

"We have decided to release the Progress Reports on an “as needed” basis. Whenever we see a significant change in our progress we will issue a Progress Report to let everyone know our current status. This means we’ll probably post a Progress Reports a once or twice a week at most.

Current Progress Rep

We estimate that at current activity levels we won't be able to begin working to "Open the Box" until mid- to late - May 2011.

We are working on a few fantastic new programs to help with this. We expect things to pick up a lot when we release these new programs. When this happens, it will probably put us back on track for mid- to early-March." Unquote.

It is evident that PayBox Admin rely on the numbers of Early Bird Users and their activities ... that way they can see immediately whether a feature is going to be successful or whether it's "back to the drawing board"!

Monday, 15 November 2010

My Debit Card Design

My Debit Card Design

Please assist PayBox to "open the Box"
by voting for my design as presented.

Thank you!

Wednesday, 10 November 2010


PayBox; Debit Card Designs continuence -

As per the 10 November 2010 PayBox blog:
  • "Estimate: Stage 2 Growth complete by Mar 6, 2011
  • Strong Areas: Debit Card Designs, PayBox Referrals, Daily Survey
Our activity levels for today were again at a good level."

It is obvious form the designs visable, that the Early Bird Users really em-
braced this venture - designing debit cards and then placing the designs on
programs/sites like FaceBook and then requesting FaceBookers to vote on
the designs. Great experience and a whole lot of Fun!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


PayBox : Changes ..... Big Big Changes!

On today's blog from the PayBox communication channel, major announcements were made.

Frist of all, the PayBox Shop's been closed.
Secondly, when someone now joins, PayBox pays $25.00.
Thirdly, PayBox now offers $10.00 per referral ..... wow!

This is what PayBox had to say .....

"PayBox Shop Closed

By the time you read this, the PayBox Shop will probably be closed. We announced it recently

in the Shop, so you may have already known this was coming.

The Shop is in retirement for now, but we may bring it back someday depending on our testing


The Shop was designed as a way to help us test our developing payment systems and allow the

PayBox EarlyBird users to be part of that testing.

Overall, it was a great success. The shop is now closed because we have successfully completed

that stage of our testing. We want to thank everyone who participated with the Shop."

Next up - the PayBox Debit Card ......

Saturday, 6 November 2010


PayBox : The Goal:

Our Goal:

Our primary goal is to “Open the Box”.

What does that mean? What would it include?

Opening the box means providing everything you would find in a
full-featured payment processor:
  • Debit cards linked to PayBox accounts.
  • Easily buy and sell using your PayBox account.
  • Easily send and receive money using your PayBox account.
  • Purchase from nearly any online merchant.
  • Withdraw to nearly any bank account world-wide.
  • Possibly withdraw to other online payment processors.
  • In-exchange from any major world currency.
  • Out-exchange to any major world currency.
What will it take to “open the box”? Opened on 1 September 2010.

At present we have 100,000+ Early Bird Users. We reached the 1st
Stage of the Goal.

The 2nd Stage of the Goal is to have 2 - 5million Early Bird Users. Then
we can "Open the Box!"

Thursday, 4 November 2010


PayBox : '

Debit Card Project Update

"The developers have made a lot of progress on the new debit card project today. The project is still being kept mostly under wraps, so I can’t reveal too much about it. I’ll just say that there are a lot of exciting aspects to this project. The developers are working to have it ready for our Users sometime next week."

"Thanks to everyone who is helping us get there! Keep up the good work!"

Obviously, issuing Early Bird Users with their very own Debit Card, PayBox is only laying some groud-work in preparation for the entire debit card system when that is ready to come online. AND, before that can happen they have to be in a position to "Open the Box"!

EarlyBird Users are eagerly awaiting the next 'issue' from PayBox for us to play with!

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


PayBox; The PayBox Shop.

What is this Shop and how does it function?

The PayBox Shop is an auction/store service that allows you to put up items for sale, or purchase items from other PayBox users, using nothing but your PayBox balance as the medium of exchange.
  • If you want to grow your PayBox balance, just put something up for sale. It could be anything (well, anything legal at least).
  • If you want to spend your PayBox balance, just search for items that are for sale.

Special Features

Local Pick-up

We’ve added a few really great features to make things easier for buyers and sellers. For example, when posting an item for sale, you can set the Shipping Method to “Local Pick-up Only”. That way, if someone buys the item from you, you don’t have to worry about packaging the item or paying for shipping.

If you’re a buyer, looking for a local item, the developers have added Google Maps based Local Item Search to help you find all items that have been listed as “Local Pick-up Only” in your area.

Digital Goods

In addition, you can select the category of Digital Goods and attach Digital Goods to your auction. That way, only the person who wins your auction will be able to download the item…and it will all happen automatically. With Digital Goods, you just post the auction and leave it. When the winner pays (with their account) they are automatically given access to the item within the “Won Items” area of the website.

Real Auctions

You can post and bid on real items for sale.

BUYERS: If you bid on real auctions, you will be expected to pay the amount you bid from your account to purchase the item. You will also be expected to have real account information for the seller to contact you or ship the item to you.

SELLERS: If you post real auctions, you will be expected to sell the item and (if it isn’t Digital Goods or a Local Pick-up) you will be expected to ship the item to the buyer upon receiving payment from their account."

EarlyBird Users are having FUN. We buy and sell and auction - testing and 'for real'. This way we are assisting the developers to assess what needs changing and what does not.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


PayBox; What is next.

PayBox revealed the following on 26 Octboer 2010:

In the short time of its excistence, PayBox has reached
a significant 100,000 EarlyBird Users.

Instead of spending money on advertising, PayBox is
rewarding its EarlyBird Users for their participation in
the development of this new online payment processor.

The next very important milestone is to reach at least
2-5 million EarlyBird Users. Why? Because that is more
or less the customer base of existing payment processors.

PayBox's Stage 2 Goal is to "Open the Box"!

The PayBox blog on 1 November 2010 reveal that they
are starting on the development of their debit card.
This will be an exciting period for the EarlyBird Users
as they will be intrumental in the progress of this milestone
within the PayBox development.