Friday, 6 February 2009


On 31 January 2009, at a glittering functionh held in the National Motorcycle Museum, Solihull, West Midlands, the MXI Corp Leadership lead by its President, Mrs M Brookes, launched Xocai, the Dark Healthy Chocolate in the United Kingdom in the presence of over 650 MXI founder members and a host of other people concerned with Xocai ! Long awaited, the evening was spectacular, but above all, the fact that it is now possible to bring healthy dark chocolate - Xocai Nuggets and Xocai Power Squares bursting with antioxidants - in UK approved packaging, from a UK based Warehouse to you all, is absolutely fantastic news.

Furthermore, in this day and age of collapsing banks, businessess closing down and
resulting unemployment, Xocai offers a wonderful opportunity to anybody from anywhere - owning your own business, with full training and support from the superb leadship of MXI Corporation.

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