Saturday, 10 January 2009

XOCAI: Healty Chocolate: Health benefits: Diabetes

I reported on Xocai the Healthy Dark Chocolate, its contents, the launch of the prducts and business proposition in the UK on 30/01 /09 and in general, introduced the healthy chocolate concept to you, the public.

Why is the Xocai range so healthy?

Xocai products are the combination of the powerful antioxidant benefits
of natural, raw cacao from Europe, the Acai berry found in the Amazon Rain
Forrest, grapes, blueberries and sweetened with nectar from a Mexican

It is however, the antioxidant posers packed into every ounce of this decadent chocolate that is a means to assist healing and a healthy life style! Guilt free, it nourishes one's body, mind and soul.

Studies on behalf of MXI Corporation, the manufacturing company, are ongoing, day after day and is headed by Dr Steve Warren M.D., D.P.A.

Dr Warren's 'Healthy Chocolate and Diabetes' tells us that one of the most promissing areas related to the healing properties of chocolate is diabetes, especially Type II diabetes, since complicatins of this desease affect not only the heart, but blood vessesl, nerves, kidneys and eyes.

Recent studies done by Italian researchers suggest the flavenoids present in chocolate can protect the cardiovascular system and can improve the utilization of insulin in diabetic patients.
Flavenoids can lower blood pressure and lower overall blood fat levels. They state ''High blood sugar causes all of the serious side effects of diabetes. This study shows that cacao flavenoids make the body more seistive to insulin (or decrease insulin resistance), thus reducing the blood sugar levels.''

The information and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease! Results may vary.

The product should contain at least 70% pure cacao.
The beans should be dried rather than roasted
Cold processing - temperature not exeeding 110?F
No alkalization or dutching should be part of the processing

Xocai Healthy Chocolate is Diabetic Friendly.

Sources: ''Breakthroughs in Health'' Feb 2007: Page 35 &37.
'Healthy Chocolate & Diabetes' (Visit
Journal of Nutrition

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