Sunday, 31 October 2010 : On the way to Opn The PayBox.

Progress Report: Oct 30

  • Estimate: Stage 2 Growth complete by Mar 22, 2011
  • Strong Areas: PayBox referrals, Daily Survey

The date estimate above is only an estimate and will change each day (closer or further)

based on the most recent activity or inactivity of our EarlyBird users.

More Details

Each day, the Daily Progress Report will present an estimate of how long it will take to reach

our Stage 2 growth goals and start work to “Open the Box”. The date estimate given is always

based on the previous day’s progress in a number of key areas."

As Early Bird Users we can now see the daily influence we as a group have on the development

of this new online Payment Processor in the making! It's exciting and motivating - we are part

of a piece of history!

Saturday, 30 October 2010 : The future looks bright!

"Do you want to withdraw from PayBox to a bank account?
Do you want to have a debit card linked to your PayBox account?
Have you read the Bird’s Eye View document? If not, please read it.

The Daily Survey helps us to understand on a daily-basis how people
are sharing PayBox. This directly affects how soon we can "Open the Box",
turning PayBox into a full-featured payment processor."

From the horse's mouth. Straight. Direct. is not a scam.
EarlyBird Users have put their trust and loyalty into a program that
is going to make waves once it is ready to welcome the public in general!
We are proud to be part of history.

Friday, 29 October 2010


PayBox :Look at Us Now!

Early Bird users have been asked to introduce a friend/recruit weekly.
We have also been requested to complete a Daily survey now.

"The things we learn from the Daily Survey could help PayBox to “Open
the Box” sooner. We will bundle up the information we collect in the Daily
Survey each day and share it with you as part of our new Daily Progress

The new “Daily Progress Report”

"Starting very soon — probably tomorrow — we will begin releasing a Daily

Progress Report in our daily blog post. The progress report will contain an

estimated date that we will reach our Stage 2 growth goal based on the

current day’s progress.

As most of you know from our Bird’s Eye View document, the Stage 2 growth

goal is our last growth target before we begin working to “Open the Box”.

So, we thought it would be a great idea to give the Early Bird users daily feedback

on how much progress we have made at the end of each day."

Exciting Stuff! To be on Board, en Route to the next growth Goal is a Feast.

We'll be back soon. Don't stray to far away ... you might miss important


Wednesday, 27 October 2010


PayBox: "Our primary goal is to open the Box"!

In their latest blog the Admin stated that

Our primary goal is to “Open the Box”.

Question: What does that mean? What would it include?

"Answer: Opening the box means providing everything you would find in a full-featured payment processor:

* Debit cards linked to PayBox accounts.
* Easily buy and sell using your PayBox account.
* Easily send and receive money using your PayBox account.
* Purchase from nearly any online merchant.
* Withdraw to nearly any bank account world-wide.
* Possibly withdraw to other online payment processors.
* In-exchange from any major world currency.
* Out-exchange to any major world currency.

What will it take to “open the box”? Read on to find out ....."

We eagerly await their next blog!

Monday, 25 October 2010


PayBox : Early Bird Users - Important.

A quote taken from the latest Blog by Admin:

"This is the second part in our new blog post series called “Earn Money, Get Paid”.

Part 1 was posted over the weekend.

So, what is the “Earn Money, Get Paid” blog post series all about?

Our goal is to keep the focus on rewarding you, our EarlyBird users, as we work on taking PayBox

to the next level. It’s very important to us that the EarlyBird users earn money, have fun and

ultimately get paid."

Early Bird Users are proud to work alongside the developers and Admin of PayBox as we have

an important role to play in the history of this new online payment processor. It is also a unique

Biz Opportunity - grab it!

Sunday, 24 October 2010


PayBox: Latest Blog from Scott at

We’ve got more to share about this theme in tomorrow’s blog post.

We’ve got a lot of exciting things in the works.

You, as an EarlyBird user, are in a great position to earn money, get

paid, earn rewards and possibly win prizes as PayBox continues

development and continues on its quest to become the best payment service.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Dimdim Event Widgizet

Dimdim Event Widget

Gigantic: Health Products
Biz Opp - Guaranteed Income

MyBiz2! - ME ...... -

MyBiz2! - ME ...... -


PayBox: PayBox Shop -

The PayBox Shop is an auction/store service that allows one to
put up items for sale or purchase from other Pay Box users, using
the PayBox ballance as the medium of exchange.

Being tested by EarlyBird Users, even to the extent of pruchasing
a bidding on 'real items/goods' in an effort to get the feature ready
for the Big Reveal - and PayBox Shop goes live - for real!

Set Shipping Method to 'Local Pick-up Only' - seller has no worries
about packaging and shipping to buyer. Google Maps based Local
Item Search added for your convenience!

Digital Goods - select the category and attach to your auction. Only
the winner will be able to download items which will happen automa-
tically! How neat will that be later .....?

Thursday, 21 October 2010


PayBox: PayBox Shop -

The brand new PayBox Shop is open for
business! For real and Testing - Early
Bird Users are having a ball!!! Join us -
we're part of the history of a new online
payment processor, we are being paid
to participate and now we're spending
the $$$$!

So far - 11,229 registered users!
  • 1,237 live auctions
  • 266 live wanted ads
  • 1,208 online users
Not bad for the first day.

Soon the PayBox Shop will become reality
and the Testing will make way for real
trade .... watch this space!

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

PayBox Shop

PayBox Shop:

As per the blog communication system of PayBox,
PayBox Shop! Latest feature delivered. Jump in,
investigate, test buying, selling, auctioning what's
on offer, or what You want to offer .... when you're
satisfied, you may be able to 'pick up' something
you've always fancied deep down! offers the rewards for Early Bird Users

PayBox Shop offers the trading platform to be
tested. Go for it!


PayBox: The latest Feature: delivered again. Well ahead of their original

The PayBox Shop has been installed. Seperate from the website, Early Bird Users can sell, buy, auction
articles advertised in the various categories. We can even
set up Shop within the site!

Warning us of possible problems, no customer services to
start off with, excitement is rife .... the latest feature will
be tried and teste for by their Early Bird Users
using the money earned since inception, transfering real
money via existing payment processors if so desired .....
Gr8 Stuff!

Tuesday, 19 October 2010


The latest features are ready to roll ...... Today!!!
What will Early Bird Users experience with the
new features ...... ?

Sunday, 17 October 2010


The Blog on Friday stated that they're experiencing a
glitch in the system with the new features. EarlyBird
Users can expect the new features on Monday. We are
awaiting the latest features' reveal with great excitment
and expectation!

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Friday, 15 October 2010


PayBox :
"For those of you who are wondering, the developers ran into another snag in an area they didn’t expect.
For the technically minded, it has to do with encryption and ciphers and making sure transactions in the
new features are secure."
Excerpt from the latest PayBox blog. Let's support the program - they know what they're doing. At least
when we start doing online transactions for real, we will be safe in doing so.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010


PayBox Excitement riding high ....
Latest features expected within the
next 24 hours!

Walt Bayliss. Online Success - $1000 A Day... WOW!!! Interested?? -

Walt Bayliss. Online Success - $1000 A Day... WOW!!! Interested?? -


PayBox nicely. Latest from the PayBox Blog:-

Please submit your surveys if you haven’t done it this week. We will probably change the surveys soon, or maybe even get rid of them. That decision will be based on how the launch of the new features goes. The new features will provide a lot of feedback that will be even more valuable than the surveys.

I hope everyone’s ready — big changes and new opportunities are just around the corner.

Roll in on!


PayBox : Well ahead of schedule - $$$'s speeding along!